Fake News

What is Fake News

Fake news sources deliberately publish hoaxes, misinformation, and propaganda designed to deceive readers for the purpose of political and/or financial gain. Fake news sources often follow design conventions of reputable news media sites to make the story seem more credible, making them more likely to be shared on social media. 

Source: Hunt, Elle. "What is fake news? How to spot it and what you can do to stop it." The Guardian, 17 December 2016.

Types of "Fake News"

Imposter News Sites
These websites are designed to look like legitimate sites and incorporate some facts into their stories, but the articles are false. They are an attempt to convince readers to pass the news on as if it were true. These fake news sites get revenue from the ads you see on the page, so the more they get you to share -- the more money they make.      

Satire websites not really "fake news." They are usually topical sites that are meant to be humorous, not to deceive the reader.  The stories are not real news.


Clickbait and Hoaxes
These websites also have bits of true stories but make up other details to create an emotional response, typically anger or fear. They often feature outrageous headlines in capital letters and use inflammatory language.

Fact Checking Websites

Fact Checking Websites

Research Articles