Principal Communications 9-18-24


Over the first 2-weeks of school, it has been exciting to see students and faculty establish strong learning communities in and out of the classroom. Also notable has been the positive energy exhibited by our students. This was exemplified last Friday during the first home football game. Over 600 of our students attended and they displayed a strong sense of community which continues to be a priority for us at NHS. I commend all of our students for showing sportsmanship and spirit during the game, and it was also very cool to see our student section involve their younger clippers in the cheers.


Special thanks to our student section leads: Brendan Grossman, Tyler Jay, Asher Kinsey, and Brian Lucey for being in partnership with the school to promote a fun and positive environment at all our games and activities. I also want to acknowledge our cheer team and band for all of the work they put in to create a great vibe at our events. And last, thank you to Lizzy Homer and Declan Hocheiser for digitally documenting and marketing our events. Their pictures are awesome.


This Friday will be our first rally of the school year, and I'm looking forward to celebrating the start of the year with our students, teachers, and staff. Our rallys work to recognize all of our teams and clubs across the school year.


Please see below for updates in the following areas:


  • Back to School Night (Thursday, 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM)
  • Student Activities Fair (This Week During Lunch)
  • Environmental Innovation Pathway
  • Student Support Newsletter
  • College Affordable Webinar
  • Red Cross Club - CPR Certification Initiative
  • Course Spotlight - Wellness Program - CPR Certification
  • Congratulations



BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT will take place tomorrow nigiht, Thursday, September 19th. This will begin with a presentation in the auditorium at 5:30 PM by the high school administrative team, and starting at 6:00 PM, parents and guardians will follow their student’s schedules.


Please be sure to download your student's schedule or write into the Back to School Night Flyer before coming to the school.


Here is a link to other upcoming events to have on your radar.



The Student Council has coordinated the annual Activities Fair. Students can talk to members of various clubs during lunch and sign-up to participate. We encourage all students to get involved in some type of activity here at the high school. Here is a link to the various clubs at NHS.



Last year, NHS was accepted into the State's Innovation Career Pathway for Environmental Studies. Pathways allow students to study a specific area while gaining practical experience in a high demand career field. In addition, technical and advanced coursework, such as AP or Dual Enrollment, are aligned to the field of study. Participating students graduate high school with options for either entering a career or attending college with credit already earned in the focus area.


Here is the Environmental Pathway Information flyer which has information on how to sign-up to be a part of the pathway.


NHS is committed to developing programs to expand options for our students. It is our intent this school year to apply for additional pathways which will include Advanced Manufacturing and Health Care.



You can find lots of great information in the newsletter from our Student Support Department. Here is newsletter just in case you missed it last week when it was sent. You will find information about:


  • Work Based Learning Opportunities
  • Community Service Opportunities
  • Schoot Trips
  • Access to the NHS Job Board
  • College and Career Center Updates


Also for grade 9 Families, here is information on an upcoming webinar to help parents/guardians navigate the transition to into high school.


Navigating the High School Transition: Practical Tips for Success Webinar


Wednesday, September 25, 2024 | 7:00 – 8:00 pm ET | Live Online

Presented by Revolution Prep, a partner of Newburyport High School



Our Red Cross Club continues to move forward with their objective to help all Newburyport restaurants to have at least one person on staff certified in CPR. To support this effort, several students from the club will become certified trainers to offer training to the community at no cost. Thank you to the Newburyport Development and the Institution for Savings for their sponsorship of this effort. Also kudos to club officers Maddie Jackman, Calleigh Curran, Noah Tarkan, Charlotte Zeller and their advisor Ms. Colleen Fallon for organizing members to make their plan come to action.



Alongside the effort of our Red Cross Club, all students in the Grade 10 Wellness Class become certified in CPR. The certification lasts for 2 years and our Wellness program is exploring best methods for students to recertify in their senior year. Also in the grade 10 Wellness course, students focus on nutritional health as well as analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.


All in all, the 10th Grade Wellness Program provides all students with opportunities to establish and sustain healthy habits, which lead to an active and healthy lifestyle. Students also work on goal setting, leadership, encouragement, and interpersonal skills through physical activities. Students learn how regular physical activity improves strength, endurance, and reduces anxiety and stress, and increases self-esteem as well as academic performance.



Cedar Schumacher has earned the opportunity to apply for the Eleven State All Eastern Band. Through his participation in the Massachusetts All State Band last year, organizers have selected him to apply for this opportunity. The application and try-outs are quite rigorous, but if selected, he will be playing in Hartford with the finest musicians in the 11 Eastern States. Congratulations to Cedar on having the opportunity to apply and good luck.



Thursday, September 19. Presentation starts at 5:30 followed with parents/guardians following their student's schedule at 6:00 PM.



Help you student stay informed. Have them download the NPS APP.


Sporting Events

Download the AS (Activity Scheduler) Mobile App to keep track of all the games happening through our athletics program.