NHS Principal Communications - October 12, 2022

Hello Clipper Families,

I want to commend all of our grade 10 and 11 students for displaying hard work and perseverance while taking today’s PSAT exam.  In a few months, the guidance department will help them understand their results and how it relates to college and career readiness skills.  Our teachers will also use the results to reflect on our curriculum to help strengthen student skill development. 

Alongside the sophomores and juniors, I want to acknowledge our grade 9 students in the activities they took on today.  The freshmen were organized by their guidance counselor assignments.  They had the opportunity to learn about the Naviance program and how they will interact with it over the next three years to help them make decisions about course selection and life after high school.  The freshmen also participated in team building activities and had an opportunity to work with grade 9 teachers on upcoming projects. Teachers working with grade 9 today were extremely impressed with the high level of engagement the students displayed with their activities. 

In review of the senior sign-ups from today, many took advantage of the day to visit a college as well as participate in a job shadow.  A decent number also elected to come to the building and work with our grade 12 English teachers to receive help on their college application essays. 

Last, based on last year’s performance on the PSAT/NMSQT exam Lyza Marino and Kellan McDermott have been named as Commended Students in the 2023 National Merit Scholarship Program.  Additionally, Caroline Metzdorf has earned a National Recognition Honor based on performance on college board assessments of the PSAT and AP exams. Congratulations to all three students. 

Don’t forget this Friday is the ALS Cup starting at 5 pm here at James T. Stehlin Field. The boys and girls soccer teams will compete against Pentucket in this annual doubleheader event.

Have a great night and Go Clippers!