Get Started Enrolling Today

Complete the Required Enrollment Forms (listed below)STEP TWO
Collect copies of the Required Documents (listed below)STEP THREE
Contact the appropriate school for an appointment:- PS-3: Francis T. Bresnahan School, Lori Morasse (978) 465-4435 x3125 (Drop off enrollment forms at door 1. No appointment necessary)
- 4-5: Edward G. Molin School, Diane Quigley (978) 463-8212
- 6-8: Rupert A. Nock Middle School, Raeanne Szydlo (978) 465-4447 (Please email or call. No appointment necessary.)
- 9-12: Newburyport High School, Jessica LeBlanc and Lauren Gee (Please email. No appointment is needed.)
Required Enrollment Forms
- Newburyport Public Schools Enrollment Form
- Confidential Health Form
- Certification of Address Form
- Home Language Survey
- Student Record / Information Release Form
- Medicaid Consent Form
Additional Bresnahan Enrollment Forms
Required Documents
- Student’s birth certificate
- Student’s most recent health record including lead test, immunization and physical (for more details see Health Entry Requirements)
- Proof of Newburyport Residency. This must be one of the following: utility bill (e.g., water bill, electric bill, cable bill) OR a mortgage/lease agreement.
- For enrolling in grades 10-12 only: a copy of student's high school transcript as well as a list of current courses
Additional Information
- Current Progress Report, Individual Education Plan, or 504 Plan (if applicable) (Follow links for information on Special Education, 504 Plans, and English Language Programs)
- Letter stating any placement concerns
If you are unable to produce documentation, please contact the school office for guidance.
NPS has an English Learner Family Liaison who can assist families who do not speak English as a first language. Please let the school receptionist know if you need translation support.