- Newburyport Public Schools
- School Safety and Security
Creating safe and supportive school environments is our top priority.
With over 2200 students and 450 staff in our buildings daily, a number of systems are in place to address safety and security.
We pay attention to school culture and climate to make sure every child and staff member can say “I belong here.” Research very clearly speaks to the importance of a preventative approach that builds students’ interpersonal skills and creates positive connections with adults.
Our operational plans address the complex security needs of a school district. This work includes protocols for maintaining the daily security of each building as well as responding to emergency situations. Technology, personnel, professional development, and operational procedures all contribute to our comprehensive security plan.
We work in collaboration with our local police and fire departments as well as with the Essex County District Attorney's office. Our safety plans are informed by the Northeastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council (NEMLEC) and are revised and practiced annually.
Each school has building-specific plans that have been developed to reflect the developmental needs of students and the unique nature of the building. If you have questions about your child's school, please reach out to their building principal.
Looking forward to a safe and engaging school year,
Sean Gallagher
Superintendent of Schools

District Resources
School Committee Safety Forum
On October 3, 2022 the Newburyport School Committee hosted a Safety Forum. The topics included Creating a Culture of Belonging, Emergency Operation Planning, Physical Plant Security, and Local Partnerships.
Superintendent Gallagher's Overview of School Safety
On September 16, 2022 Superintendent Gallagher provided an overview of the NPS approach to school safety and security. The newsletter includes an overview of safety protocols and a message from Newburyport Police Marshall Mark Murray.