Contact Us
The Bresnahan office is open daily during school hours.
Our phone number is (978) 465-4435.
Frequently Asked Questions
What time does school start?
Posted by:Preschool
8:15am - 1:00pmGrades K-3
8:20am - 2:50pmEarly Release Day Dismissal Time
Grades 1-3: 11:40am
Preshool: 11:15am -
What do I need to do if my child is going to be absent?
Posted by:If your student is absent from school for any reason, you must notify the school.
If your student is going to be absent, arriving late or leaving early, please update School Dismissal Manager (SDM) or call the attendance line at 978-465-4435 Extension 1 (please leave student name, teacher name, your name and reason for absence).
What do I do if my child is going to be arriving late?
Posted by:If your student is going to be absent, arriving late or leaving early, please update School Dismissal Manager (SDM) or call the attendance line at 978-465-4435 x 1 (please include student name, teacher name, your name and reason).
A child is considered late for grades K-3 if they arrive after 8:20 and for PreK students, arriving after 8:30.
How do I dismiss my child during the school day?
Posted by:If your child will be leaving during the school day, please use School Dismissal Manager. You can pick up your child in the office.
What if I need to change the way my child is going home?
Posted by:If you are changing how your child is dismissed on a particular day (e.g. not taking the bus, walking instead of being picked up, etc.) please use School Dismissal Manager and select the appropriate option under "Dismissal Options." You can enter additional information (who is picking up, etc.) in the notes field.
We recognize sometimes unexpected circumstances arise and there may be last-minute changes to your dismissal routine. If that is the case, please call the office as soon as you can.Please make every effort to call before 2:30 pm.
How do I find out information on the school lunch program?
Posted by:Please visit the Nutrislice website for school menus and all your nutrition and school lunch information needs.
For information on free and reduced options, My School Bucks payment method, and other food service related questions, see the Food Services page.
Who do I contact if I have a questions about my child's performance, behavior or work in class?
Posted by:It is always best to start with your child's classroom teacher. They can answer most questions and have the most knowledge of your child and what is happening in the classroom.
Teacher emails can be found in the Staff Directory.
Please remember that our teachers are with students for most of the school day. They will return your message as quickly as they can.
How do I learn the school rules?
Posted by:You can find all our policies and rules in the Parent-Student Handbook.