School Dismissal Manager Overview

  • We use School Dismissal Manager to track absences, tardiness and changes in dismissal.

    No more sending in notes, calling the school or emailing the teacher – now you can do everything from your phone or computer!

    Download the SDM app to your phone or use it from any computer by going to  School Dismissal Manager and logging in.

Logging In

  • You should have received an email with your username and password.

    If you’ve checked your Spam folder and can’t locate the email, please call the office at (978) 465-4435.

    Your username and password will stay the same as long as you have a student at the Bresnahan School. If you forget your password, you may reset it by clicking on “Forgot Password” next to the username field on the login screen. If you are having problems logging in, call the office and we will be happy to help you.

Informational Buttons

  • There are two buttons below your student’s name: “Late Arrival” and “Leaving Early, Coming Back”.

    These are helpful for the office and teacher to know, but do not affect dismissal.

    For “Leaving Early, NOT Coming Back”, use the arrow on “Choose Dismissal Option”, scroll down, select that option and fill in the fields.

Changing Dismissal Instructions

  • Your student’s default dismissal is based on the information provided on the permanent dismissal form you completed. To change the default, click on the “Parent Preferences and Student Default” button on the light blue bar above the calendar.
    Change your student(s) dismissal:

    1. Select the date on the calendar
    2. Click on the down arrow under “Choose Dismissal Instruction” (Scroll to find the option you’re looking for.)
    3. “Update Schedule Changes” to save your changes.

    Make a recurring change (e.g., swim lessons every Tuesday, needs to be a Car Rider): click on the “Recurring Dismissal Instructions” button on the light blue bar above the calendar. You can only make a Recurring Dismissal Exception (change) from a computer; the mobile app doesn’t support that feature.
    If you want your student to have the same dismissal option, just with another person (e.g., still a walker but going home with Suzy Smith): select that option under “Choose Dismissal Instruction” and then put the additional information in the “Note” box.

    Changing dismissal for a future date: You may set a change in dismissal (or arrival) for any date. You will see two weeks on your calendar. Below the calendar there is a button “Set Dismissal Instructions for a Future Date”, which will allow you to choose any date in the current school year.